(he looks better in marble than he does in his mausoleum - yuck)

My name is Nathan Brown and I am studying abroad in Moscow, Russia. Here I record developments in my bacteriophage research. I also post pictures of Eastern Europe along with little travel notes. Welcome, and I hope that you enjoy what you find!
On Saturday, our study abroad group visited the Kolomenskoye Estate. Moscow has converted most of their old aristocratic estates into humongous city parks with a variety of attractions. For example, Kolomenskoye has apple orchards, old tsarist buildings, lime trees, fish ponds, ancient oak groves, cemeteries, a beautiful view of the city, and an outdoor architectural museum started by Peter the Great.
There were lots of children practicing their painting when we visited, which was fun to watch. We also saw at least three or four weddings taking place. Russians take a small group of their closest friends to the different city parks, along with a photographer, to celebrate their weddings. The weather in Moscow has been stunning lately, which made the excursion pleasant.
Nearer to the university where we study is the Kuskovo Estate, which is similar to, but smaller than, the Kolomenskoye Estate. You can find people fly fishing in the man-made lake and if you pay a fee, you can visit the estate building. Since the weather has been so pleasant lately, Chase and I always visit the estate to study.
These pictures were taken at dusk, with a soft breeze and a pleasant temp of 60-70 F. This is not at all what I expected in Moscow.